Happy Easter from Taslie Skin Care!
We hope the Easter bunny was good to all of you and brought you loads of yummy treats.
Taslie Skin Care would like  to give a shout out during this holiday to our friends over at http://www.choosecrueltyfree.org.au/
Please consider joining or donating to their organization. They are amazing advocates for animals and we are proud to be accredited by Choose Cruelty Free. Make the choice to become a conscious consumer and say no to purchasing products tested on animals.

Did you know that Sept 26th is National Rabbit Day?

Some fun facts about rabbits:
  • Rabbits live in the wild but also make great pets.
  • Their whiskers are the same width as their body and are used to determine whether they will fit through a hole, which stops them from getting stuck in tunnels.
  • When pet rabbits are happy they may jump in the air turning and twisting their bodies, a behaviour known as a binky.

“There is no beauty in animal testing. But, there is great beauty and hope in the following stories and photographs, written and shared by caring CCF supporters, all for the love of the amazing rabbit!” – Choose Cruelty Free