[Review] Green Baby Goods - Taslie's Skin Care Ltd.

“This is a completely different concept and takes NO prep work. This comes in a cute little spray bottle that actually comes out in a mist. The ingredients are all natural and plant based and it really smells wonderful. I still wet my wipes, but now spray this on his bum and wipe it off. Just adding water to my wipes and not prepping saves a tremendous amount of times, especially when the last person that changed baby, does not tell you they used the last wipe (constant thing I struggle with in this household).

I think it is a great product. I received one to try and review and in two weeks, you can only see a small amount has been used. It seems like it will last a long time, and is pretty inexpense, and better yet, is completely natural, which is my goal in any products.”

Cheeky bum wash

Green Baby Goods