[Review] What Mommy Wants - Taslie's Skin Care Ltd.

“We have almost finished the bottle! This spray is fabulous! The first thing I noticed is the amazing smell. I was almost tempted to taste it. the best word to describe the smell is “juicy”!
Just a few squirts from Harper the Hippo was all we needed. For a simple wet diaper I would spray a bit on Charlotte’s bottom and wipe it off with a dry cloth wipe! It wiped off easily and she giggled every time she got a “squirt”! She likes it as much as I do! For soiled diapers I spray down the cloth wipe before removing her diaper. This method uses more of the bum wash, but works great! I also follow up with the same steps as I do on simple wet diapers just to give a soothing coat to her bottom an make sure we got everything.

Charlotte liked the bottle and started calling Harper “puppy” after a few times of telling her it was a hippo, she now calls her “hippoo”.”

– What Mommy Wants